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Practice Areas

Ahava Law Group Practice Areas

Ahava Law Group is devoted to providing quality legal representation and personal attention to each and every client. An attorney handles each case from start to finish, whether that means settlement or trial. We co-counsel with attorneys throughout the country, and attorney Jovita Wysocka Ahava is also licensed to practice in Massachusetts and New York.

Attorneys Eddie Ahava and Jovita Wysocka Ahava have over 50+ years of combined experience in injury law, litigation, and civil trials. They go the extra mile to ensure clients are receiving the most appropriate care for their injuries, from PIP, property damage and lost wage claims, to monitoring their medical treatment.

Clear Filters
Nursing Home Abuse
Nursing Home Abuse

Nursing home abuse is far too common. Protect your loved ones’ rights.

18 December, 2019 in Practice Areas
Nursing Home Negligence
Nursing Home Negligence

We believe our elderly ones deserve dignified care.

19 December, 2019 in Practice Areas
Wrongful Death
Wrongful Death

You may be able to file a wrongful death claim

22 December, 2019 in Practice Areas
Medical Malpractice
Medical Malpractice

Medical malpractice can occur in any medical field.

19 December, 2019 in Practice Areas
Auto Accidents
Auto Accidents

Despite serious injuries, insurance might not want to pay – even when you’re not at fault.

21 December, 2019 in Practice Areas
Accidents and Falls

Easily Enable Gallery Slider

11 February, 2019 in Practice Areas
Our Strategy

At Ahava Law Group, you will receive prompt, honest and personal attention to moving your case forward. Your claim is of crucial importance to us – you’ll notice right away the increased focus we can provide, compared to giant law firms. We will aggressively handle your case.

Agressive Representation

As your experienced personal injury attorney, we battle insurance adjusters, obtain necessary medical treatment for you; and, importantly obtain maximum compensation for your injuries and losses. Call Ahava Law Group Today: 888-554-9998.

Statutes of Limitations

There are strict laws that limit how long a person can wait before filing a lawsuit. If a lawsuit is not filed prior to the expiration of the statute of limitations period, then your right to sue may be forever lost. We take action immediately so the statute of limitations period does not expire.

Judical Process

The law allows you to recover your costs and to be paid damages for your pain and suffering. While you are focusing on rebuilding your life physically and emotionally, we work diligently to restore your financial stability and secure payment for any life-long medical costs that might be necessary